Nurturing, Supporting and Protecting Jewish life in Eastern Europe and Israel

Mission, History and Vision

Mission, History and Vision

UJCEEA Mission

The mission of UJCEAA is to work in the spirit of community building to restore, rebuild and enhance Jewish life in Eastern Europe. With a focus on children and young adults, we strive to connect Jewish soles to their heritage through both formal and informal education. We are committed to supporting the most vulnerable amongst us, primarily the elderly and children living in poverty. We envision a future where one generation can provide for the next in a community guided by the values and spirit of Judaism.

UJCEEA History

The rebuilding of the Kiev Jewish community began in 1989 through the vision of Rabbi Bleich

  • Revitalization took many paths
  • Restored the oldest synagogue in Kiev
  • Created the position of community Rabbi
  • Provided spiritual and practical leadership
  • Encouraged families to remain in community
  • Opened Yeshiva, Kollel, Cheder, girls school, residence and socialization program for elderly, after school programs and student center
  • Created presence with government
  • Reached out to unaffiliated and families which had only one Jewish parent
  • Opened a kindergarten
  • Created a network of summer camps
  • Affiliated with orphans home for Jewish children in Odessa
  • Engaged young adults by supporting their start up initiatives
  • Established Kosher grocery, hotel and restaurant
  • Opened Matzo factory to provide for Ukraine


We are striving to ensure a self-sufficient and vibrant community in Kiev with indigenous leadership who can provide for ongoing needs and care for the more vulnerable. We aspire to increase connections with unaffiliated Jews and meet the needs of those who are currently served by existing institutions. We envision an efficient and dynamic community which is well represented in the public sector and can combat anti-semitism and sustain government support wherever possible.