Nurturing, Supporting and Protecting Jewish life in Eastern Europe and Israel

Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Our People, Our Future

Jewish tradition teaches that one of our key duties is to repair the world for future generations (Tikkun Olam). Since the days of Abraham and Sarah, the bonds of Jewish peoplehood (Am Yisrael) link and define the very heart of the Jewish group definition. Judaism is more than a religion; it demands identification with the Jewish people as a whole, a familial closeness with Jews of all kinds everywhere. Jews, whether by birth or by choice, must consider themselves links in a great chain of Jewish tradition, a shalshelet (chain) that stretches across the generation binding Jews across time and into the future. This very bond calls us not only to nourish our culture and honor our heritage, but to ensure a vibrant Jewish future while preserving and protecting our past and communities.

Never before has this challenge been so important or so difficult in Eastern Europe. Sustaining these bonds of Peoplehood is the work that you're helping to accomplish by providing a current or deferred gift to United Jewish Communities of Eastern Europe and Asia (UJCEEA). Due to the historical persecution of the Jewish people in Eastern Europe dating back before Holocaust, caring for our elderly and the fight against ongoing assimilation are without doubt a graver concern each day for European and in turn, global Jewry. We thank and are grateful to you for supporting UJCEEA's efforts and for being a part of our overarching goal of reconnecting Jewish people with Jewish life while protecting and caring for our children, elderly and those who suffered at the hands of others, only because they were Jewish.

Our People, Our Future!

Chances are you already donate generously to UJCEEA either directly or through your local Jewish Federation's annual campaign. But have you considered including UJCEEA in your will, so you can continue to make a difference for generations to come? What could be more meaningful to the Jewish tradition than building a foundation for its robust and enduring future by making a planned gift to UJCEEA now?

Your current gifts help to not only sustain but promote and nurture Jewish life. By creating a planned gift you will sustain our programs and insure the bonds of Jewish Peoplehood long into the future. This is the work of UJCEEA.

What will you pass down to future generations?

Both your current donations and your future planning help to create your Jewish legacy. In addition to supporting current programs you find valuable, your long term planning ensures that the values and organizations you hold dear will continue when you are no longer here. It also serves as an inspiring example to your loved ones, demonstrating your belief in the importance of Jewish community. The act of leaving a legacy gift to UJCEEA directly or through your local Jewish federation in support of UJCEEA or any individual UJCEEA program empowers you to complete the work of your heart while supporting a mission that is important to you.

How can you create a Jewish legacy, save and possibly even earn?

A legacy gift is your way to leave financial resources to insure the future sustainability of UJCEEA's vitally important work, from generation to generation. Your legacy can be structured to fit your lifestyle, goals, family and financial needs. A planned gift can possibly:

  • Provide income for your lifetime, or for a period of years
  • Lower or eliminate capital gains on contributions of appreciated assets
  • Generate substantial federal income tax deductions
  • Reduce or eliminate federal estate taxes
  • Complement retirement planning
  • Work to your advantage in family business planning
  • Enable donors to maximize their support of UJCEEA
  • Enable you to support both UJCEEA and your local Jewish community simultaneously.

The importance and impact of your legacy gift will be most clearly felt once you are gone. However, you may experience tax advantages in your lifetime, and your estate and heirs may benefit from additional tax savings.

Gifts Anyone Can Make benefit you and your loved ones, while leaving unchanged your current financial situation.

Gifts That Pay You Income are just that, and we are happy to explore them with you.

We can also work together to create Gifts That Protect Your Assets and Gifts That Are Cost-Free During Lifetime.

How do I begin?

A professional at UJCEEA or at your local Jewish federation would be pleased to provide information and guidance in making a current and/or planning a legacy gift that fulfills your goals and is consistent with your other estate plans. Jewish Federations are trusted local institutions with a long history of building Jewish community, supporting Israel, and sustaining local agencies that provide a multitude of essential services and activities such as UJCEEA. By creating a legacy gift for UJCEEA directly, or through your local Jewish federation, you will be providing opportunities for and improving Jewish life across Eastern Europe.